Zachary Doll Family

From A to Z and everywhere in between

1.20.11 (Project 365)

Glove Christmas decoration Holding on to Christmas

Today was bitterly cold in Fargo. With the wind chill it is supposed to get -40*, I don’t care who you are, that is COLD! But have no fear, I still had to make the trek up to Grand Forks for work. Thankfully the roads were not bad and I didn’t have to drive, but it was miserably cold and our rental iced up on the inside of the windows.

Anyway, back to the picture. The place we had our meeting today was in a “Santa’s Village” and they had about 30 trees all decked to the 9’s with fun Christmas decorations. I wanted to take a bunch of pictures but I didn’t want to be the weirdo who took pictures of the Christmas Trees, so instead I stood by one of them, acting like I was texting and snapped a photo.

In other news, please send your prayers for Gabe, Zach’s cousin’s husband. He wasn’t feeling well this morning and on the way to the doctor had a seizure and is now in the ICU on a vent and they are running tests to figure out what is wrong. They say it is a viral infection in his brain but they are not sure what kind. Please send your prayers.