Zachary Doll Family

From A to Z and everywhere in between

1.8.11 (Project 365)

A large frozen protuberance attached to Paradiso. Zach wanted to dropkick this.

Today we went out with a group of our friends to celebrate Alex’s birthday. We started the night off at Paradiso and then hung out at his place for the rest of the evening. I would say it was a pretty good night. Before we left I decided that I would take my camera to document the occasion…unfortunately I forgot to put the SD card back into the camera from the last time I took a picture (not the first time I have done this mind you). Needless to say, I didn’t take any pictures except this one. This is a very large icicle on the side of Paradiso. For some reason I thought it was pretty nifty so I snapped a picture with my phone. Long story short, Happy Birthday Alex!