Zachary Doll Family

From A to Z and everywhere in between

1.28.11 -2.1.11 (Project 365

First, terriably sorry about the lack of posts the last few days. This past weekend we went to visit Zach’s family and they have VERY slow internet, thus I didn’t update anything. Sunday was a horrible day to drive back and the trip that usually takes about 4.5 hrs took over 7. This was in large part to the blowing snow and bad accidents. We were at a stand still on the interstate for over 2 hrs shortly after starting out because two semi’s and a car decided they wanted to hug each other. Anyway, here are all the pictures and that should get me caught up! I managed to make it a whole month this time, something I have never done with a project 365…only 333 more days to go until it is a success!

Big shoes to fill Big shoes to fill

Scrapbooking memories Scrapbooking memories

Ring around the rosie Ring around the rosie

Lucy and Addie Reading Circle Book time!

Clean Laundry Laundry day (and Zach washed it 🙂)

Hope you enjoy the pictures, I will try to do a better job this week. The weather has been really cold here and thus I am not motivated to do a dang thing!