Zachary Doll Family

From A to Z and everywhere in between

A Masculine Thought Stream

Getting warm up here; river is projected to crest at 38.5 feet on monday; I am still seeking employment, considering writing some software.

Amelia is preggers; 16 weeks; we actually have a doc visit tomorrow. It is also lent, so I have been eating more fish than normal.

Some internet friends were visiting from Sat-Tues, so I have been spending lots; trying to revert to cheap mode. Upshot, is I am decent at being better than my internet friends at: pool, bowling, navigating Fargo, and being punctual. I kid for most of these. Bowling’s for real.

I launched a project website I’ve always been interested in family history; recent events (Amelia being preggers) made me think about it some more. Decided I would become an amateur genealogist. I am also looking for help and input, so check it out if you want to see some trees or correct me. Since I hobbled it together rather quickly, it is pretty sparse at the moment.