Zachary Doll Family

From A to Z and everywhere in between

Baby’s first picture!

Ultrasound 1 Ultrasound 2 Ultrasound 3 Ultrasound 4

The tech had a really hard time getting good pictures because our baby kept moving around. The heart rate today was 150 which is about what it has been each time we have heard it. The baby moved so much so they weren’t able to get a really good 3D image 🙁 but they did give us the one. If you squint and kind of tilt your head it looks like a baby :). Also, below is the first baby bump picture. I have debated if I would do baby bump pictures but after much debating I decided I would. I am not putting them on facebook, just here on the blog so it is a little less weird.

5.6.11 baby bump