Movin’ on up!
Last night Zach and I spent most of the day after I was discharged at the hospital. After we left we ran a few quick errands, dropped stuff off at home and then headed back to the hospital. We hung out there and fed the little man and got some cuddle time. We left, got dinner (at HuHot!!!), ran to Target and got some diapers and wipes and the headed back to the hospital. We stayed there until almost midnight last night.
Earlier in the day yesterday William pulled out his feeding tube (the orange tube down his nose) and the nurses decided to just leave it out as he has been doing so good with his feedings. When Zach fed William at 10pm he downed his bottle in less than 5 minutes. He is doing a great job with his feedings and now just needs to get his sodium levels down. Last night when we where there they ran a BCB which checks all of the electrolytes including sodium and potassium. After the first test the nurse said that he had really high potassium which was most likely cause by all the bruising on his feet from all the blood draws so she ran another rest and it came back with much better results. His sodium level went up and his sugar level has also gone up, both great things!
The biggest thing that happened for Mr.William last night was he was upgraded to a crib! This is the last type of “home” that William will have before he comes home. When he was first in the NICU this is the type of bed he had:
Now he is in a bed similar to this:
One last thing before I head back to the hospital; last night William gained more weight. He is now at 5 lbs 10.7oz. Before we know it he will be breaking 10 lbs!