Zachary Doll Family

From A to Z and everywhere in between

Specialist update

First I would like to thank everyone for all the prayers and happy thoughts since we started this journey. We met with a specialist today in Fargo to get a level 2 ultrasound completed and get some answers, here is what was found.

THE KIDNEY! The kidney they thought was missing is actually what is called a pelvic kidney. The doctor described it this way with pictures, I apologize I am not an expert in anatomy drawing…so no picture provide, use your imagination. So when babies are developing the kidneys start as a glob of cells in the pelvis. As they grow the kidneys split and develop as they ascend up to their place where they are in a normal human body. Our baby decided that it didn’t like to be normal and was only going to do that with one of his Kidneys. Cause ya know, being different is cool and stuff. What they can see of the pelvic kidney it appears normal. However, one of the problems with pelvic kidneys (especially when it is on a difficult baby) is they are hard to see. Basically it looks like this:

kid pelvic pix

The other kidney. The kidney that is normal position still shows some dilation. They plan on monitoring this with monthly ultrasounds to ensure that it doesn’t enlarge. Anything over 4 is a “watch” at this point, the babies is at a 5. However, if it doesn’t grow then we will be fine as long as the baby makes it to 32 weeks. At 32 weeks anything under 7 is fine. This is something else they will be montioring with the monthly ultrasounds.

I also spoke with this doctor about the fact that William was born at gestational age of 36 weeks. He said to be safe he would like me to get weekly shots of progesterone. They will also be watching me very closely to ensure that nothing is happening and if it does he said they would do shots for lung development and prep for a preemie.

Overall, the apt went very well and relieved a lot of my stress and uncertainty that I have had since our first ultrasound.