Zachary Doll Family

From A to Z and everywhere in between

Reverb 10: Inspiration

What inspired you this year?  How do you think this will impact the year to come?

This pretty much sums up the mantra I tried to follow at least in the second half of 2013. I used to be the person that if something didn’t go exactly as I planned I thought my life was ruined. It is amazing when you flip that mentality even just a little.

There is a book out there called, “Don’t sweat the small stuff…and it is all small stuff.” If you haven’t read this book, you should, it is an easy read and really makes you think about the direction you are taking in your life.

Having a child in the house tests this theory on a daily basis. But I just have to remember:

I leave you with this:

PS I realize that there are a lot of “inspiration” images…I am a quoteaholic, so deal with it 🙂