Reverb 12: JUMP
Write for five consecutive minutes on the word “jump” as it pertains to this past year. No editing. Set a timer. Just write.
So I usually look at the prompt the night before or the morning of and think about the prompt all day before actually writing. They really threw me for a loop today and told me basically I couldn’t do a whole lot of thinking before hand and I just needed to write.
Well I am not very good at doing that, so all day I thought about “jump.” It is funny how when you are thinking about a particular word how much you use it or notice it being used. In terms of 2013 gave me a bit of a challenge.
This morning when I was thinking about it I was immediately drawn to William’s new found love of jumping…he will do it anywhere and at any time….on…and off of anything.
Then tonight when I was reading him bedtime stories I swear every book mentioned jumping…must be a kid thing, because honestly I am not a big fan of jumping. Maybe it is because I can’t do it right now…nor have I really been able to do it (let’s face it, white women can’t jump). Although I was pretty good when I was in my “prime” in high school for middle blocking…which was more than a few years ago, and certainty not in 2013!
Back to jumping in 2013. William does it all the time and as a family we have “jumped” into a few things:
Leasing a car (verdict is still out whether this was a good or bad jump)
Getting a kitty for William for his birthday (I write this as the cat tries to sit on my hands/keyboard)
It is a good thing I don’t often write my blogs like that, it appears that I am a bit scatterbrained these days, but I guess that beats being no-brained!