Zachary Doll Family

From A to Z and everywhere in between

Reverb 14: Feast

What was the best meal you had in 2013?  Was it slurped standing over the kitchen counter?  Was the menu written in a language you understood?  Were you alone?  Or at a table filled with family and friends?

I can’t think of one meal that just jumps out as super wonderful and awesome. I didn’t travel anywhere this year, or do anything overly exciting but I did get to go to Fargo and eat the grand junction and that was _delish. _Other than that I am going to say it was all the peppers I grew in my garden that we ate, canned and gave away:

2013-07-07 16.30.49

2013-08-21 18.39.33

These pictures do not do justice to the amount of peppers we had this summer. Next summer I must diversify my garden a little more…and defiantly not plant so many habaneros!