Zachary Doll Family

From A to Z and everywhere in between

Reverb 2

What was the best moment of 2013?

Can I say that it hasn’t happened yet? A lot of things are going to change in our family in the next couple weeks with the addition of our new family member on or before the 18th of December.

Overall, 2013 has been pretty good to our family and we continue to be blessed.

In 2013 we did find out that my father in law was cancer free after undergoing months of treatment and we are very thankful that he continues to come back to the old Dennis.

In the middle of 2013 we had a scare with the baby after our first ultrasound. The doctors told us that they couldn’t find the spine, food, bladder, kidney or diaphragm on the ultrasound. Thankfully we had another ultrasound in two weeks and they found everything except the kidney, which they found after a level two ultrasound in Fargo. Again, we were blessed by the great news.

Overall, I would say 2013 has shown us our fair share of ups and downs but has treated us very well. Here is to the last 29 days 🙂