Zachary Doll Family

From A to Z and everywhere in between

Reverb 7: Victory

What was your biggest accomplishment of 2013?

Yet again I find myself pondering this question. I feel like I did a lot of little things in 2013 but haven’t really done anything super wonderful. In having this discussion with one of my friends she said, “uh, having another kid!” Oh right! and as of today I have officially carried this baby longer than I did William. In my mind we will call that success.

It is hard to believe that in just a few (read 11) days I will be going into the hospital to be induced. I am not a fan of this and am hoping for 10 days for the simple fact I want to avoid the dreaded pitocin. For those of you who don’t know the story behind Williams birth, you can read it here.

Because of that, they would really like me to make it to the 39 week mark and be in the hospital…which I am A-OK with.

Hopefully I can continue to work toward this accomplishment and make it to 38 6/7 weeks…just to avoid the Pitocin.