Zachary Doll Family

From A to Z and everywhere in between

Reverb14: Do Over

Hindsight is the one thing we never benefit from in the present.  Is there one moment you wish that you could do-over?

In life, it always seems like there little things that we wish we could do over…maybe use a different spice when we are cooking or go to bed earlier so we aren’t feeling it the next morning. This question always gets me, last year I kind of dodged the answer too.

I think part of the reason I have problems with this question is because I am a firm believer in everything happens for a reason. This year we didn’t have any major issues, and truly everything worked out well. Because of this I don’t think I can pin-point one specific moment I wish I could go back and re-do. I do wish however that we could have seen my grandmas this year. We had made plans for my grandma Tammy to come and visit and it didn’t work. I am hoping next year we can make it happen so she can meet Owen and see how much William has grown.

On a more general note, I think there are many moments that I wish I could have a do-over with my attitude. Sometimes I know that I am a little too short with William and forget that he is only three (and for most of this year only TWO). Temper has always been something I struggle with and I often see myself getting to the point that it is not good. I have resorted a time or two to putting myself in time out (when you are 28 it is a solid 28 minutes of no one talking to you and not electronics…it is pretty awesome!)

I also wish I could do over the little things, take more pictures and write more memories down. Several people told me that when you have your second it gets crazy. While I believed them to a certain extent I don’t think I fully understood what they meant! I slacked on pictures this year and didn’t write as many of those little memories down (I really need to blog them!!). This next year it is going to change!!

So for now, I leave you with one of the pictures I did take this past  year.

Owen and I hanging out at the Almont Labor Day parade. Owen and I hanging out at the Almont Labor Day parade.