Zachary Doll Family

From A to Z and everywhere in between

Reverb14: Letting go

For next year, I’m letting go of…

First off, is it bad that the first thing that popped into my head after receiving this prompt is… “LET IT GO, LET IT GO, you can’t hold me back anymore…” I swear, that song is EVERYWHERE!!

On a more serious note, next year I am letting go of…having a clean house. Or rather, stressing about having a clean house. This saying sure fits my life right now:

Good moms have sticky floors, dirty ovens, and happy Kids.

This is not to say that I don’t enjoy having a clean house. But I would much rather sit down with William and finger paint (something he did today…quite hilarious and awesome at the same time) than scrub my kitchen floor. Let’s face it, if I spent all that time scrubbing the floor, I would lose my mind! It seems like with the two boys I am always chasing someone, kissing a boo boo or playing a game and I know it will only get worse better as Owen gets older.

So for next year I am going to really try hard to let go of the phrase, “Sorry my house is a mess.” And embrace the fact that my kids are happy and the crumbs on the floor add character!

William, up close and personal