Zachary Doll Family

From A to Z and everywhere in between

Reverb14: Money

Where did you spend your money this year?  Did you save it instead?  What, if anything, would you like to do with your finances this year?

As I was sitting at my desk with this prompt of my screen Zach came over, read it and said, “Hey! Where did our money go? That is a good question! … It went EVERYWHERE…it just left our bank account.”

Oh So True.

We did have some fun adventures this last year though.

We got to take the train to Spokane to see my little younger brother commission as a second lieutenant in the Unite States Air Force.

William enjoying the observation car William had a blast on the train and Zach and I listened the same the episode of Chuggington no less than 50 times.

We also went out to Montana for Thanksgiving to see my family. We also got to see Casey one more time before he ships off for his training. So like any good family, we took a family picture…now that was funny:

Felz family picture

Board games is another one of our family vises. We have lots of board games! But as we always say, it could be worse!

Next year Zach and I are planning on taking a 2 week trip to Germany to celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary. We are pretty excited about that!